Tuesday, 1 May 2012

My first Glossybox! ...

When I first started reading beauty blogs, one of the first things I came across was the Glossybox beauty box. I really love the idea of receiving a box full of lovely products every month; it's really exciting when you know it's going to arrive at your door any day! I also like trying new products and brands, and for only £10.00 + £2.95 p&p, it's a really nice way to do it.  I was so excited when I received this month's Glossybox and although a lot of people have already done reviews I thought I would talk about my first experience of a beauty box. 

Like a lot of people I was really pleased to see the natural themed box. It was a really nice touch and I had never really thought about trying just natural products before. For me the main point of trying out a beauty box was to try out new brands and products without breaking the bank, and in my opinion this box really achieves that aim. 

As you can see from the pictures above, the packaging is beautiful and feels like a lot of thought and care has gone into it. The box also comes with a really nice note/leaflet describing each product, and detailing prices and sizes etc. I also thought this was a nice touch. Anyway, I should probably get onto the products ...

The first product I thought I would review is the YES! NURSE hand cream which you can see in the above picture in the cardboard box, which is what it is delivered in if you order it from the website and it is small enough to fit through your letterbox, so no answering the door in your trusty (but not so attractive) pj's! The description in the note from Glossybox is ' The 24h 'Super Moisturiser' packed full of essential Omega's and antioxidants to hydrate and revive tired skin'. It is the brainchild of a nurse who felt that none of the hand creams were helping with her cracked and irritated hands. Originally, you could only order these on a monthly subscription service but now you can buy them as a one-off purchase as well. Now some people may not be over the moon about this product, but I really like it. As some of you may know, I'm going to be a student midwife in September and just from my experience on the wards so far, that hand gel can really dry your hands out, so the plan is if I really like it is to reorder it for when I start my course. (I'm so so excited to start!)

The packaging is really sweet and a really nice touch. I also really like the smell of this product (it reminds of porridge ?? might be just me but ..) and it seems to suit my hands really well. You only need to use a small amount and it's a 50ml tube (which is full size and costs £5.45) so I can see it lasting quite a long time. I tend to use it twice a day - in the morning and night - and my hands feel soft all day. It absorbs quite quickly and isn't really greasy, and obviously it is all natural, and contains manuka honey and Omega 3, 6 and 9. Overall, I really like this hand cream and feel like it suits me and my lifestyle really well. However, I can't see this suiting everyone, but I would strongly recommend it if people were looking for a hand cream. 

The second product I am going to review is probably my favourite. I don't know what I did without this product in my life before, and the thought that one day it will run out is terrifying me, because it is pretty darn expensive. This sample is 10ml and it is £29.00 for 30ml, which is quite a lot for my budget so we will have to see if I can afford to repurchase it when it runs out :( This serum is a 'SOS thirst quenching serum' from Caudalie and this sample size is exclusive to Glossybox. You are supposed to use it before your moisturiser, morning and night, and it is lovely to apply. It is runnier than I anticipated so beware of that when you are using it for the first time, but it feels so lovely and light on my skin, and really prepares my skin for my moisturiser. It really is so lovely, and to be honest made the box for me. 

The third product is the FIGS AND ROUGE LIP BALM in Rambling Rose. I'm not overly keen on the smell but I really like the texture and it lasts quite a long time. I have been using it pretty much constantly since the Glossybox arrived, but I would probably have preferred a different one, like the peppermint and tea tree one, but this is just me being picky :). It's another full size product and costs £3.29 for 8ml , which looks to me smaller than a standard size lip balm but is not teeny weeny. Overall, another really good product  and one will definitely get used, but probably not one I would have bought. 

Unfortunately, this is my least favourite product of the whole box as it just doesn't really suit me. It is a from INIKA but I never really wear lip liner, and on the odd occasion that I do i.e. if I'm wearing a red lipstick, I already have the lip liner to match it. I do really like the sound of this though and it's a full size product that costs £11.75, which is quite pricey really, so I will probably give it to my mum. 

This is the last product that was in the Glossybox, and is another one I really like. I'm pretty sure it is full size and costs £4.95 for 235g (the sample is 200ml). It is from a company called AYUURI   and the one I got is the rose one which is enriched with Indian Rose, Jasmine and Aloe Vera. The smell is nice and light, and I also like how it lathers up and makes your skin feel very soft. I'm really pleased I got it and will use it up but like the lip balm I probably wouldn't have bought it of my own accord. 

Phew! That was a really long post! I apologise but I wanted to do my first Glossybox justice and I hope it has been helpful. If you are considering subscribing to Glossybox (or any other beauty box) I would definitely recommend it. My personal theory is that if I like 3 products of the 5 it has been worth it for me, and it is also really nice that the sum of these products adds up to more than I pay to get the box, which is also a bonus. 

Right, I'd better get back to revision! I don't even want to talk about the exam yesterday :( but  I was thinking about doing some tips about dealing with exam stress etc. so look out for those 



  1. great products you got from the glossybox:) hope you enjoyed your first box <33


    1. Thank you! I am really enjoying and I'm pretty pleased with the products too x
