Monday, 2 July 2012

A Quick Life Update ...

Sorry I haven't blogged in a couple of days, for some reason I actually thought it would be easier to write most days when university was done and dusted, but nope, apparently not. So I'm sorry for neglecting everyone but sometimes life just gets in the darn way :) So, today I thought I would do a quick update on what's been going on in my real life, before I get back onto the more normal posts tomorrow. One of the most important things that has happened recently is that I have got my degree results!!! I only had to wait one month from my last exam until my results, so I really feel for everyone who hasn't got their degree results yet, and even more for the people who have to wait an age for GCSE and A Level results, but boy did that one month drag. It was such a hard month, and the results were always on my mind. I was hoping to study Midwifery at University of Manchester, and I needed a 2:2 in my current degree to get in. Now, this may sound easy, but my exams were so hard and I was really starting to doubt myself, but .... I got it!! Whoop whoop! It was a pretty horrendous experience; the results were just put up on a board for everyone to see, and everyone was trying to see them at the same time, but I did it and I got a 2:2. I'm not a huge brainbox and did find my degree really hard, albeit enjoyable, and I'm so relieved to be able to say that I'm going to be studying Midwifery!!!! I start in mid-September so I still have a while to get ready, but I thought I would share the shoes they recommend with everyone, because boy are they ugly! I've tried to see if there are possible alternatives, but the criteria for your shoes are pretty specific, and I'm struggling to find anything more attractive! However, I have been assured that they are comfortable, so maybe I will cultivate a secret love for them in time!
Clark Unloops - stock photo from Clarks website
Like I said, attractive! Although, I think it shows how much I want to be a midwife that I am happy to forgo nice footwear in exchange for the job! And I am a girl that loves her nice footwear! Anyway, another pretty exciting development in my life at the moment, is that I am going to be moving in with my boyfriend!! I am so excited about this! We have been going out for a while now (over 6 years) so this should have happened a while back now really, but we have been at different uni's so it's been impossible. We have already found a one bedroom flat in Manchester that we both absolutely love, and we move in mid-August! It is so lovely! It is a duplex apartment, with lovely exposed brickwork and a nice big living room, so room for friends to stay over because some of them were so small it would have been pretty difficult having people over. It is furnished, which is working quite well because it is severely restricting how much I can buy, otherwise I would have dragged Mike off to Ikea and bought most of the store by now! 

HEMNES Dressing table with mirror IKEA Provided with safety film - reduces damage if glass is broken.
Hermes dressing table - IKEA - stock photo
Like this, ooooo it's pretty, but nope don't have the room, so instead I have bought lovely little tealight holders :) , which are a bit more suitably sized for our little apartment. 
Tealight from Sugar and Spiced website
Anway, that's about it for now, except for little things, like I had my athletics competition that went well yesterday, I've just spent the weekend with my boyfriend's family in the Peak District, oh and I'm going to Cardiff next weekend for a fake hen do! Pretty standard :) I have tried to find some funny drunk hen do pictures, but surprisingly they seem to be quite hard to find?? So, I will carry on the search and may add some to the end of other posts. 



  1. Congratulations on getting a 2:2!! That's so great! Even better that you get to study Midwifery now :)

    And yeah, those shoes are ugly..but if they do the job then you'll have to make do haha

    Love, Elizabeth xx

    But agreed, hideous shoes, haha. I hope you find some nice ones! xxx
