Monday, 10 December 2012

Long overdue update ...

So guys I know it has been a seriously long time. I'm sorry! I had a lot of thinking to do over the summer and since September I have been doing midwifery so I have been super busy, and so I have seriously neglected my blog! I've been thinking about writing a post for a while but I didn't want to come back to it too soon, so I've been reading lots of blogs again and slowly getting back into it :) 

I have been doing so much that I don't even know where to start, but I think my trip to New York will be a good place! I was lucky enough to go with my parents and my sister in August and it was amazing. I have never been anywhere else like it! We went for 5 nights and I would love to go back there. 

L-R - Top row - Me, my dad and my sister on a boat going round the whole of Manhattan. The weather was beautiful and the tour was really interesting and funny.

The police on their motorbikes. We definitely thought we were trying to be sneaky but I highly doubt we succeeded.

Bottom row - We were all sat in a park up by NYU and there was a man playing this stunning grand piano (as you do). It was so surreal but one of my favourite memories from the trip.

Me, my dad and my sister outside the diner attached to the hotel where we ate every day. The food was always lovely but jeez the portions were huge! 

I think I will leave it at that for now but I'm sure I will show you some more pictures from my trip at some point! 


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